Affiliate Disclosure

The product reviews on this website are for informational purposes only. The views expressed on this website are those of Every consumer should do their own investigation before making a purchase.

The Federal Trade Commission requires that I disclose any relationship I have between a product manufacturer or service provider when I write about a product or service.

We maintain relationships and receive an affiliate commission with the following companies:

DISH, Exede, HughesNET

Here are the guidelines we operate under at

  • We are NOT paid to do a review.  We never accept money to review a product or service. We invest our own time to review warranty services. We absorb the entire cost to tape and post-produce all videos we tape about products. If we are ever paid to do a review, it will be clearly annotated at the end of the review.
  • If we create a link to a product or service in a review we do receive a commission should you buy the product or service.
  • To protect the integrity of the reviews and this website all reviews are fully conducted before any affiliate relationship is started. We operate under this guideline to ensure we as a review site are not influenced by any one vendor and you as a consumer have the best information possible when making a decision.

These are good rules and practices in today’s digital world. It’s important for you as a consumer to understand the relationship between a person reviewing the product and the manufacturer or service provider. If you don’t see a disclosure policy as part of a review of a product, that reviewer may be violating the law or at the very least the Code of Ethics.